Hello there!
I just had to blog this.
It's rather exciting for me and I wanted to share it with the world :)
Since dreaming up an idea for a Delta Airlines brief I have been thinking of ways to bring it to life. My idea was to make the Statue of Liberty appear in Manchester city centre in all its green glory using Augmented Reality as the media. Whilst at university I did manage to create a 'version' of this and it was all very exciting!
My first version worked by using my computers webcam to display a model of the Statue of Liberty which was pretty cool but was sadly limited to my Mac and that wasn't a true reflection of the idea.
Since then I've been hell-bent on trying to make the AR portable (like on an iPhone etc) so it's closer to the real idea and FINALLY I managed it.
Below is a screenshot from my iPod touch showing that at long last I can make the Statue of Liberty appear wherever I want! Not only that but I can play with the model - make it bigger and smaller or rotate it or zoom in on the details and I'm extremely happy with the result! It took a lot of hours but I did it and just had to share it with you! (The AR code in the picture is on my computer screen but I can print it off and place anywhere.)
I'd love to hear your feedback on this so please don't hesitate to comment on this post or send me a quick email @ robynkendal@hotmail.co.uk.
Well, I'm off to play with it some more (it's my new toy!) and see what other models I can make appear!
Thanks for viewing and I'll post again soon, cya!
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